Better Off Funding Project Updates

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About this funding

The Ōtorohanga District Council has been allocated $2.6 million from the Government as part of the Better Off Fund (BOF). This is to provide funds to councils nationwide to support community development and climate resilience as they transition away from managing 3 Waters, now known as Affordable Waters. Through workshops and voting processes, four priority projects were identified and approved: improving Ōtorohanga College, Kāwhia Seawall Defense, supporting Trust Waiwaiā I Ltd – Tōkihi Phase 1, implementing Ōtorohanga Ora as contestable fund.

Find out more about the projects here:

Wānanga Workshop - 27 July 2023

Two wānanga were held, where 20 iwi leaders, councillors, community board chairs and representatives of our council funded local economic development agency the Ōtorohanga District Development board were invited.

15 attended and were divided into 4 tables. Staff explained the BOF, criteria, purpose etc and undertook a series of activities to generate discussion and ideas.

The first activity was a silent exercise where we had every participant write down as many ideas as they good think of in 5 minutes. The second part of the workshop was to discuss their top three with the table and develop 1-3 of their individual ideas into a more detailed sheet, with estimated funding amounts, alignment to BOF criteria.

Each participant then pitched their ideas to the group in a ‘Dragons Den’ style session. To complete the day everyone had 6 ‘voting stickers which they could spend on whatever projects they thought should proceed.

While we were aiming for 5 top projects, we ended up with 3 equal in fifth place so had a ‘Top 7’. The day concluded with a smaller working group being put forward for a second wānanga to decide on the recommendation to council on projects for submission.


The projects for BOF application were approved by Elected Member in the Ōtorohanga District Council Meeting. This was later accepted by DIA and our four projects were able to commence.


Keep updated on the projects by subscribing in the top right under "Follow Project"

Thank you

Thank you to all the participants of the wānanga for your contribution and dedication to the input of the BOF application projects. Your involvement has played a crucial role in securing the funds. We appreciate your commitment and hard work, and we look forward to the future collaboration as we move forward with the implementation of these projects. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey towards positive change and development in our community.

About this funding

The Ōtorohanga District Council has been allocated $2.6 million from the Government as part of the Better Off Fund (BOF). This is to provide funds to councils nationwide to support community development and climate resilience as they transition away from managing 3 Waters, now known as Affordable Waters. Through workshops and voting processes, four priority projects were identified and approved: improving Ōtorohanga College, Kāwhia Seawall Defense, supporting Trust Waiwaiā I Ltd – Tōkihi Phase 1, implementing Ōtorohanga Ora as contestable fund.

Find out more about the projects here:

Wānanga Workshop - 27 July 2023

Two wānanga were held, where 20 iwi leaders, councillors, community board chairs and representatives of our council funded local economic development agency the Ōtorohanga District Development board were invited.

15 attended and were divided into 4 tables. Staff explained the BOF, criteria, purpose etc and undertook a series of activities to generate discussion and ideas.

The first activity was a silent exercise where we had every participant write down as many ideas as they good think of in 5 minutes. The second part of the workshop was to discuss their top three with the table and develop 1-3 of their individual ideas into a more detailed sheet, with estimated funding amounts, alignment to BOF criteria.

Each participant then pitched their ideas to the group in a ‘Dragons Den’ style session. To complete the day everyone had 6 ‘voting stickers which they could spend on whatever projects they thought should proceed.

While we were aiming for 5 top projects, we ended up with 3 equal in fifth place so had a ‘Top 7’. The day concluded with a smaller working group being put forward for a second wānanga to decide on the recommendation to council on projects for submission.


The projects for BOF application were approved by Elected Member in the Ōtorohanga District Council Meeting. This was later accepted by DIA and our four projects were able to commence.


Keep updated on the projects by subscribing in the top right under "Follow Project"

Thank you

Thank you to all the participants of the wānanga for your contribution and dedication to the input of the BOF application projects. Your involvement has played a crucial role in securing the funds. We appreciate your commitment and hard work, and we look forward to the future collaboration as we move forward with the implementation of these projects. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey towards positive change and development in our community.

Page last updated: 11 Dec 2024, 06:26 AM