Reserves Management Strategy

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Ōtorohanga’s local parks and reserves are a key asset for the community, as the town grows, it is important that the parks and reserves continue to reflect and support the needs and aspirations of the people that live, work and play here.

In order to do this, Ōtorohanga District Council has developed a Draft Ōtorohanga Reserves Management Strategy & Plan for the town's parks and open spaces. This provides direction for the parks and reserves and helps to identify what currently works, what needs to be changed and what the future development for Ōtorohanga Reserves might look like.

To ensure the Ōtorohanga Reserves Strategy reflects the diverse voices across the community, we have worked alongside Mana Whenua and a range of organisations with intersecting interests. The strategy development has been supported by a working group with representatives from the Community Board, Sport Waikato, Mana Whenua and local community members.

HAVE YOUR SAY - 1 November 2024 to 24 January 2025

We are now inviting you to have your say on what we have proposed, have a read of our Draft Ōtorohanga Reserve Strategy & Management Plan and tell us your thoughts by clicking on the submission form at the bottom of this page. You can also speak with our Elected Members about your submission, just tell us you wish to be heard and we will contact you with a date and time of the Hearing (likely mid Feb 2025).

You can also head into our office at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga for a hard copy of the submission form, or download and print a copy by clicking here.

Ōtorohanga’s local parks and reserves are a key asset for the community, as the town grows, it is important that the parks and reserves continue to reflect and support the needs and aspirations of the people that live, work and play here.

In order to do this, Ōtorohanga District Council has developed a Draft Ōtorohanga Reserves Management Strategy & Plan for the town's parks and open spaces. This provides direction for the parks and reserves and helps to identify what currently works, what needs to be changed and what the future development for Ōtorohanga Reserves might look like.

To ensure the Ōtorohanga Reserves Strategy reflects the diverse voices across the community, we have worked alongside Mana Whenua and a range of organisations with intersecting interests. The strategy development has been supported by a working group with representatives from the Community Board, Sport Waikato, Mana Whenua and local community members.

HAVE YOUR SAY - 1 November 2024 to 24 January 2025

We are now inviting you to have your say on what we have proposed, have a read of our Draft Ōtorohanga Reserve Strategy & Management Plan and tell us your thoughts by clicking on the submission form at the bottom of this page. You can also speak with our Elected Members about your submission, just tell us you wish to be heard and we will contact you with a date and time of the Hearing (likely mid Feb 2025).

You can also head into our office at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga for a hard copy of the submission form, or download and print a copy by clicking here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Privacy Statement - for your submission to be valid, you must include your full name, a postal address or email address. All submissions (including your name, address and contact details) are provided to council staff and Elected Members for the purpose of analysing feedback. Your personal information will also be used for the administration of the engagement and decision-making process. Submissions (with the individual’s name and organisation only) will be available online. If requested, submitter details may be released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 unless there are grounds to withhold this information. If there are good reasons why your name and/or submission should be kept confidential please contact us by emailing

    Share Reserves Management Strategy and Plan - submission form on Facebook Share Reserves Management Strategy and Plan - submission form on Twitter Share Reserves Management Strategy and Plan - submission form on Linkedin Email Reserves Management Strategy and Plan - submission form link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    To better understand the community’s aspirations for Parks and Reserves across Ōtorohanga, we need your input! Your feedback will help ensure the development of Parks and Reserves reflect the needs and aspirations of the people that live, work and play here.

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Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 01:45 PM