The application windows are quarterly rounds being:
- Raumati (Summer) Period: 1 January – 31 March
- Ngahuru (Autumn) Period: 1 April – 30 June
- Hotoke (Winter) Period: 1 July – 30 September
- Koanga (Spring) Period: 1 October – 31 December
At the end of each period the Komiti/ Committee will review, assess, and grant funding to eligible community initiatives, that align with the criteria and objectives that support indigenous excellence. These Meeting will be held 4-6 weeks at the end of each period.
Applications will be considered by Council’s Ōtorohanga Ora Grants Komiti, with the deliberation meeting to assess and allocate funding being held in the Council Chambers, 17 Maniapoto Street, 4-6 weeks at the end of each period. All applicants will be informed of the results the following week. Remember this is a rolling fund- if you miss a period, just apply for the next one.
If you are successful – fantastic! As an agreement for receiving funds, you must fill in a Grant Accountability Form. This tells us all about your project and how it went. It’s a good idea to get it done as soon as you finish.
- To be eligible for the Ōtorohanga Ora Fund initiatives, projects or events must:
- Be kaupapa Māori based
- Achieve one or more of the objectives
- Take place in the Ōtorohanga District
- Be completed withing 12 months of funding being approved
- Produce benefits which are largely experienced within the Ōtorohanga District
- Available, open and encourages participation from the community
- Unsuccessful applicants from previous rounds may apply with an amended or new application.
- Completion of accountability for previous Council funding.
What can be funded?
- Kaupapa Māori initiatives, projects or events
- Materials for delivering the initiative, project or event
- Resources to support the initiatives, projects and events
- Venue or equipment hire
- Promotion of the initiatives, projects and events
What can't be funded?
- Initiatives, projects or events will not be funded that:
- Have already started or finished before Ōtorohanga Ora funds have been approved
- Are for a fundraising activity
- Does not have a kaupapa Māori component
- Are for repayments of debt or interest on debt
- Are for prize money, awards and judges fees for competitions
- Are for wages.
Completing the Application
- Applications can be;
- made via the online application
- made via the pre-recorded video
- made via Power point
- As long as all required information and questions are answered in the video or powerpoint.
- Complete with all necessary information attached
- Submitted before the advertised closing date/time.
You will be asked to register to Connecting Ōtorohanga before starting your application online. Once registered you won't be asked again and you will be able to easily apply to our other grants and participate in all our public consultations and engagements.
All applications must include the following:
- Proof of legal entity, governance structure and charter/constitution
- The organisation's latest confirmed annual financial accountsPlease indicate if accumulated funds are tagged for specific purpose, eg building fund
- Verified bank account details for the applicant organisation
- Information about other support (funding, in-kind, etc) the group has received from other sources generally and other support sought in relation to the application
- Disclosure of any other monies, grants, benefits or assistance the group receives from Council, including but not limited to; rates remission, water charge reductions, insurances, reduced rental, etc.
You will be asked to register to Connecting Ōtorohanga before starting your application. Once registered you won't be asked again and you will be able to easily apply to our other grants and participate in all our public consultations and engagements.
If you have any questions, please email;
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We are please to advise of the below successful applicants to date:
Applicant/ Organisation |
Funded amount |
Supporting outcomes |
Toi Aringa Charitable Trust
Tikanga, Whakamana, Whakapakari
Ōtorohanga Kiwi House Charitable Trust as the umbrella for Janaya Waitere
Tikanga, Whakangahau, Whakaruruhau
Turitea Marae
Whakaruruhau, Whakapapa, Kotahitanga