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Ōtorohanga District Community Grant - Fund Application Form

  Top tips for your application

  • Gather all the documents listed below first, before you start writing your application, remember bank statements, and arranging an umbrella organisation (if you need one) can take time to organise. Talk to your treasurer. Do this first. 
  • You are selling the idea of your project to a decision panel, describe it clearly and sell the idea. Why this? Why now? Show your application to others and get their feedback.
  • When you submit your application make sure you are somewhere with a good internet connection. All applications go onto our server which saves them all, and you will get a message saying it has been received.
  • If you need help, such as computer access, help completing the online form, or uploading the supporting information and documentation, head to Ōtorohanga Library where the friendly staff can help you get it all done, or email;

  Along with the application form you must include the following documents

  1. Legal proof of being a nonprofit or charity.
  2. If you are not a non-profit or charity you must organise an umbrella organisation. This is a simple agreement in writing, from a registered non-profit who is willing to act as your 'umbrella organisation' (a kind of referee). More information about this umbrella system is in a frequently asked questions document on the home page of this grant portal. Before you fill in this form you will need their; - contact person, address, phone number, email, bank account details, legal status, charity number, GST number (if applicable) and a letter from them saying they agree to support your project. Email if you need help with this. 
  3. Your organisation’s latest confirmed annual financial accounts.
  4. Verified and bank account and any GST details for the applicant organisation (or bank account details for the umbrella organisation if you are using one).
  5. Information about any other support (other funding you get, in-kind support etc) that your group has received, from other sources.
  6. Disclosure of any other monies, grants, benefits or assistance the group receives from Ōtorohanga District Council, including but not limited to, rates remission, water charge reductions, insurances, reduced rental, etc.
  7. Quotes for the things you want to pay for. 
  8. Any other documents like CV's or project photos you would like the panel to view. 

Thank you for your idea, your positive energy helps make Ōtorohanga District a vibrant place to live. 

Good luck!


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