Ōtorohanga District Community Grant Fund
Image above: Pasifica Dance group celebrating their 2024 funding success for new costumes
This round is open for entries across 1 February till 28 February 2025, where $45,646 is available to applicants.
It's time to do some great stuff for the community!!
- The Ōtorohanga District Community Grants Fund (the Fund) provides community assistance to make our district a vibrant place to live.
- Since this funds inception in 2021, Ōtorohanga District Council has granted approximately $400,000 to help our people!
- Over 71 different groups have been successful and have used these funds to develop their groups and achieve their community focused projects.
- This fund is available to community groups, non-profits, and organisations with a maximum grant of $5000 per application, and a total annual budget of $100,000, which is spread across 2 ‘rounds’ (every 6-months).
Application Process
The next application window will be open to entries from 1 February till 28 February 2025.
Funding will be deliberated and allocated at a meeting at Council Chambers (17 Maniapoto St) on 30 April 2025.
Applicants will be informed of decisions the following week.
Any funding would be transferred to you in mid May 2025 so you cannot start your project before then.
Remember this is a rolling fund, if you miss this round just apply for the next one in 6 months time. The next two upcoming rounds will be open across February 2025 and then across July/August 2025.
If you were successful in the last round of the Ōtorohanga Community Grants at the end of 2024, you an ineligible this time. You cannot get funding two rounds in a row, this allows us to spread the funding across the community.
If you are successful you are required to complete a CCS Grant Accountability Form. This tells us all about your project and how it went. It’s a good idea to get it done as soon as you finish. You can find it in the sidebar under "DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD".
Before you apply for a new project, you must complete the previous one by submitting an accountability form. If you don’t, you won’t be eligible.
Top Tips
- You'll be asked to register for Connecting Ōtorohanga (you won't be asked again and can use the same login to apply for other grants and participate in our public consultations and engagements).
- Download the supporting documents in the sidebar of this webpage, and have a look at the timeline.
- Creating a Connecting Ōtorohanga account doesn't allow you to save your application and return to it another time, so make sure you have downloaded the 'Preparation Sheet' document on this page and use that to work on your draft answers offline first.
- When you're happy with your answers, log in to your account on this platform and copy and paste everything across into the full online application. You access the online application here.
- Any documents we mention can be found in the sidebar on this page under "DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD"
Eligibility and Criteria
Key points to remember:
- Your project must benefit the Ōtorohanga District community.
- You must be a registered non-profit/charity OR you must organise and upload a simple agreement in writing, from a registered non-profit who is happy to act as an 'umbrella organisation'. Their details will need to form part of your application. Please get in touch with us if you need help with this. We have a super handy FAQ document to help you and a potential umbrella organisation understand the process.
- You cannot apply for two rounds in a row unless your previous application was unsuccessful.
- If you were previously successful and got a grant, you must have completed and sent us a Grant Accountability Form before your new application will be considered.
- Your project can only start after 30 April 2025.
- All the rest of the detailed criteria is found in the the Ōtorohanga District Community Grants Funding Guidelines.
Note the local funding priorities for the Ōtorohanga District Community Grants Fund
Priority will be given to applications that:
- Take place within the Ōtorohanga District.
- Produce benefits which are largely experienced within the Ōtorohanga District.
- Align to councils community outcomes
You are not eligible if;
- You got funded last round
- Your project does not benefit the people of Ōtorohanga district
- You didn't complete a report for a previously successful grant
- Your project starts before April 2025
Before you prepare your application read through the Ōtorohanga District Community Grants Fund Guidelines which tell you:
- whether you are able to apply for Ōtorohanga District Community Grants Fund funding for your project
- which projects and costs are eligible and ineligible
- what information you will need to include in your application.
Who got funded?
Since this funds inception in 2021, Ōtorohanga District Council has granted approximately $300,000 to help our people! Over 70 groups have been successful and have used these funds to develop their groups and achieve their community focused projects. These are;
the most recent, Round 1, 2024-2025
- Comm Safe for rural neighbourhood security, $2,925
- Project Kiwiana/ Elevate Ōtorohanga for a public Christmas Parade, $3,925
- Hauturu Hall for floor sanding and revarnishing, $4,425
- Kāwhia Fireworks for a public New Years Eve event, $3,000
- Kāwhia Rowing Regatta Club (remainder of costs) for a public New Years Day Rowing Regatta, $469
- Korakonui School for a composting system, $1,652
- Lyceum Club for their land lease, $3,973
- Maihiihi Playcentre for an updated native sensory garden and play area, $3,030
- Pacifika Dance Group at Ōtorohanga College for performance level uniforms, $3,554 (photo attached, info below)
- Ōtorohanga Museum for professional exhibition lighting, $2,875
- Ōtorohanga Toy Library for the purchase of new toys $450
- Riding for the Disabled for horse expenses $5,000
- Sailability for boat maintenance and life jackets, $2,901
- Te Hokinga mai ki te Nehenehenui/Otewa Marae for a water pump upgrade, $5,000
- Te Tamawai Trust for youth mentoring in schools, $2,875
- Turitea Marae for a public Matariki event, $5,000
- Wharepuhunga Playcentre for play equipment upgrades, $3,310
Round 2, 2023-2024
Ōtorohanga Sports Club, Otorohanga Mens Shed, Project Kiwiana Committee, Te Rōpū Manaaki Aroha Incorporated, Picnic and Pistons, KioKio School Social Committee, Otorohanga Train Station 100 Years Event, Unplugged Arcade, Toi Aringa Trust, Otorohanga Squash Club, Otorohanga Netball Club, Otorohanga Tennis Club, Central Motorcross Incorporated, Janie Tuhoro, Otorohanga Christmas Club, Assembly of God/Harvest Church.
Round 1, 2023-2024
Kāwhia NYE Fireworks, Aotea Patrol Community Response Team, Ōtorohanga Kai Forest, Kāwhia Primary School, Kāwhia Sports Club Inc, Ōtorohanga Historical Society (Museum), Arohena Hall, Ōtorohanga Lyceum Club, Bill Millar, Ōtorohanga Primary School, Ōtorohanga Support House Whare Awhina, Turitea Marae, Unlocking potential, Tori Muller.
Round 2, 2022- 2023
Friends of Beattie Home, I am Yoga, Kāwhia Museum, Kāwhia Rowing Regatta, KioKio Hall, Korakonui School, Oparāu Hall, Ōtorohanga Domain Sports Association, Ōtorohanga Football Club, Ōtorohanga Museum, Ōtorohanga Maori Womens Welfare League, Ōtorohanga Tennis Club, Ōtorohanga Truck and Ute Show Event, Toi Aringa Charitable Trust, Tigers Sport Club, Taarewaaanga Marae.
Round 1, 2022- 2023
Kawhia Move your Tinana Food Festival, Arohena Hall, Otewa Marae, Ngutunui Hall, Maru Energy Trust, Ōtorohanga District Development Board, Onepu Charitable Trust, Ōtorohanga Toy Library, Ōtorohanga Sports Club, Oparau Hall Society, Ōtorohanga Support House Whare Awhina, Ōtorohanga Lyceum Club, Rangatahi Justice, Maihiihi Playcentre, Waikato Polocrosse, Project Kiwiana, Ōtorohanga Croquet Club, Ōtorohanga Riding for the Disabled.
Round 2, 2021- 2022
Waikato Screen, Korakonui School, Arohena School, North King Country Motorcycle Club, Ōtorohanga Tennis Club, Maihiihi Playcentre, Te Tamawai Trust, Turitea Marae, Nehenehenui Regional Management Committee.
Round 1, 2021- 2022
Waikato Polocrosse, Ōtorohanga Sports Club, Wharepuhunga Playcentre, Comms Safe, Ōtorohanga Museum, Ōtorohanga Riding for the Disabled, Aotea Ratepayers Association, Picnic and Pistons Event, Ōtorohanga Budgeting Services, Beattie Home Community Trust, Ōtorohanga Croquet, Ōtorohanga Senior Citizens Association, Ōtorohanga Tennis Club, Ōtorohanga Domain Sports Association.
About this funding
The Fund contributes to a strong social, environmental, economic and cultural base for our District and to meet local needs, while contributing to the achievement of Council’s Community Outcomes ( you can find this in the sidebar under "DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD") and supporting Council’s priorities.
The Fund Guidelines were adopted by Council on 17 August 2021 and set out the funding criteria and allocation process for the Fund and help ensure the distribution of funding.
- Is appropriately targeted
- Delivers the best value for our communities.
- Occurs in a consistent, efficient and effective manner.
- Is fair and transparent; and,
- Promotes accountability
Both the Community Outcomes and the Fund Guidelines can be found in the sidebar under "DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD".
If you have any questions about your application or need to talk about your application, please email grants@otodc.govt.nz
Application form below