Have your say - Submission Form
Before you have your say - have a read of our Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034 Consultation Document. This document outlines our proposed plan for next ten years, and has some specific items we would really like your feedback on.
Privacy Statement - for your submission to be valid, you must include your full name, a postal address or email address. All submissions (including your name, address and contact details) are provided to council staff and Elected Members for the purpose of analysing feedback. Your personal information will also be used for the administration of the engagement and decision-making process. Submissions (with the individual’s name and organisation only) will be available online. If requested, submitter details may be released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 unless there are grounds to withhold this information. If there are good reasons why your name and/or submission should be kept confidential please contact us by emailing info@otodc.govt.nz