Ōtorohanga Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034

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“Kia Mau Tātou Ki Te Ara – Steady as she goes” represents the sentiment behind Ōtorohanga District Council’s considerable planning efforts, as we strive to navigate the economic challenges facing us all and prioritise the needs of our communities in our Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024 – 2034.

"The resounding message from our residents has been clear - maintain the current path, prioritise community connection, and focus on the fundamentals – our people, our places and our partnerships” - Mayor Max Baxter

Ōtorohanga District Council took a bold new direction in the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-31 to increase its focus on community wellbeing, relationships and making Ōtorohanga District an even better place to live, work and enjoy.

We’ve been doing this by improving engagement and connectedness with Iwi and community and adopting a more progressive internal processes, work-environment and workforce. Working alongside all of our communities and making plans for future development has also been important all the while keeping those things that make Ōtorohanga our special place.

Our LTP 2024 - 2034, approved by Council on 25 June 2024, continues to weave the future, together with our partners and community as we face local, national and global challenges. Volume one and two of our LTP 2024 - 2034 can be found under the documents section on this page.

Our people, our places and our partnerships are central to our focus as we weave the threads of resilience, sustainability and transformation together with community aspirations. As we grow trust and provide leadership to our district in the face of uncertainty, reforms and climate change we will harness opportunities, bettering wellbeing for te tangata me te taiao (for people and environment).


“Kia Mau Tātou Ki Te Ara – Steady as she goes” represents the sentiment behind Ōtorohanga District Council’s considerable planning efforts, as we strive to navigate the economic challenges facing us all and prioritise the needs of our communities in our Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024 – 2034.

"The resounding message from our residents has been clear - maintain the current path, prioritise community connection, and focus on the fundamentals – our people, our places and our partnerships” - Mayor Max Baxter

Ōtorohanga District Council took a bold new direction in the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-31 to increase its focus on community wellbeing, relationships and making Ōtorohanga District an even better place to live, work and enjoy.

We’ve been doing this by improving engagement and connectedness with Iwi and community and adopting a more progressive internal processes, work-environment and workforce. Working alongside all of our communities and making plans for future development has also been important all the while keeping those things that make Ōtorohanga our special place.

Our LTP 2024 - 2034, approved by Council on 25 June 2024, continues to weave the future, together with our partners and community as we face local, national and global challenges. Volume one and two of our LTP 2024 - 2034 can be found under the documents section on this page.

Our people, our places and our partnerships are central to our focus as we weave the threads of resilience, sustainability and transformation together with community aspirations. As we grow trust and provide leadership to our district in the face of uncertainty, reforms and climate change we will harness opportunities, bettering wellbeing for te tangata me te taiao (for people and environment).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Before you have your say - have a read of our Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034 Consultation Document. This document outlines our proposed plan for next ten years, and has some specific items we would really like your feedback on.

    Privacy Statement - for your submission to be valid, you must include your full name, a postal address or email address. All submissions (including your name, address and contact details) are provided to council staff and Elected Members for the purpose of analysing feedback. Your personal information will also be used for the administration of the engagement and decision-making process. Submissions (with the individual’s name and organisation only) will be available online. If requested, submitter details may be released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 unless there are grounds to withhold this information. If there are good reasons why your name and/or submission should be kept confidential please contact us by emailing info@otodc.govt.nz

    Share Have your say - Submission Form on Facebook Share Have your say - Submission Form on Twitter Share Have your say - Submission Form on Linkedin Email Have your say - Submission Form link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Early Engagement on our Long Term Plan has closed, you can now have your say through our formal engagement https://engage.otodc.govt.nz/ltp/surveys/have-your-say-submission-form

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Page last updated: 31 Jan 2025, 01:27 PM