Road Naming & Numbering Policy

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What is the Road Naming & Numbering Policy?

Our Road Naming & Numbering Policy provides guidance to developers, council staff and Elected Members when selecting names for new roads and access ways. It sets out the details of the application and approval process and it provides selection principles and criteria.

We are currently reviewing our Road Naming & Numbering Policy

With our current policy, we are finding -

  • Infrequent and minimal need for new road names
  • Responsibility for implementation by staff has been inconsistent
  • Consultation requirements are poorly defined and confusing for applicants
  • Excessive detail required for applications
  • Poor linkage to other consenting process
  • Excessive and prolonged approval process
  • Policy is too “wordy”

We are proposing the following changes -

  • Emphasis on front ending road name selection with project approvals
  • Staff identify early the requirement to provide names for accessways and public roads
  • Simplify the policy content and the application process (inc. application form).
  • Clearly lay out consultation requirements for applicants
  • Consistent Staff responsibility for review
  • One step final approval, Council or Community Board (delegation may be required)
  • Potential removal the list of proposed names

Have your say - 25 July – 15 August 2024

Our proposed Road Names & Numbering Policy can be found on the right hand side of this page under the documents section. Have a read and head to the submission form at the bottom of this page to tell us your thoughts on our proposed changes.

You can also get a copy of the submission form from our office at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga. A PDF of the submission form is available on the right hand side of this page under the documents section should you wish to print it.

What is the Road Naming & Numbering Policy?

Our Road Naming & Numbering Policy provides guidance to developers, council staff and Elected Members when selecting names for new roads and access ways. It sets out the details of the application and approval process and it provides selection principles and criteria.

We are currently reviewing our Road Naming & Numbering Policy

With our current policy, we are finding -

  • Infrequent and minimal need for new road names
  • Responsibility for implementation by staff has been inconsistent
  • Consultation requirements are poorly defined and confusing for applicants
  • Excessive detail required for applications
  • Poor linkage to other consenting process
  • Excessive and prolonged approval process
  • Policy is too “wordy”

We are proposing the following changes -

  • Emphasis on front ending road name selection with project approvals
  • Staff identify early the requirement to provide names for accessways and public roads
  • Simplify the policy content and the application process (inc. application form).
  • Clearly lay out consultation requirements for applicants
  • Consistent Staff responsibility for review
  • One step final approval, Council or Community Board (delegation may be required)
  • Potential removal the list of proposed names

Have your say - 25 July – 15 August 2024

Our proposed Road Names & Numbering Policy can be found on the right hand side of this page under the documents section. Have a read and head to the submission form at the bottom of this page to tell us your thoughts on our proposed changes.

You can also get a copy of the submission form from our office at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga. A PDF of the submission form is available on the right hand side of this page under the documents section should you wish to print it.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Privacy Statement - for your submission to be valid, you must include your full name, a postal address or email address. All submissions (including your name, address and contact details) are provided to council staff and Elected Members for the purpose of analysing feedback. Your personal information will also be used for the administration of the engagement and decision-making process. Submissions (with the individual’s name and organisation only) will be available online. If requested, submitter details may be released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 unless there are grounds to withhold this information. If there are good reasons why your name and/or submission should be kept confidential please contact us by emailing

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Page last updated: 15 Aug 2024, 02:15 PM